Join us!!

~Premium Partners~

Premium Partner Benefits

・ participate for free

・ could advertise your shops and products to our customers of Japan Fes not only at Japan Fes anymore

What we will do for Partners

・ We will reach 10,000 SNS members, 70,000 people who visit our web every month and advertise to 10,000 e-mail magazines. We will strongly push the partner’s information(benefit) to them.

・ On the Facebook community page, we will broadcast the benefit information you give to our community whenever a new benefit or new menu of the partner appears. We will broadcast any update every week. It’s chance the community member to see your product.

・ will create a partner map so that a stamp rally can be held in NYC


・Effective from 4/25-12/31/2020

・ Please give benefit to premium members whe wear out original T-shits or bring Eco bags


Who qualify as Premium Partner

・ Participation in Japan festival in the past

・ Being able to give premium benefits to Japan Fes members

Sample premium partners

Please complete the form below